Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Mid Summer Night's Blog

It's the midpoint of summer vacation, and as you can probably tell from the silence on my blog...I've been busy! So I thought I'd throw a quick blog at you just to say, Yes, I'm still here!

I'd like to share some summer things that either work well for me, or just plain make me happy!

1. Once the hot weather hits, I start wearing sunscreen in place of body lotion. My favorite is "Hawaiian Tropic Sheer Touch SPF 50+" because it has a nice scent and feels light on your skin, not heavy and gooey.

2. Using a light scented body spray over my whole body every day helps me feel better on those really hot and sticky days!

3. Having the kids home equals a messy home. Concentrate on these areas to stay sane: Dishes, Laundry, and Making the beds. Most everything else can wait, and these particular areas go a long way in making you feel like you've got a handle on things.

4. Enjoy your kids! This is a big DUH for most of you. I, on the other hand, try every summer to keep up on things just as I do during the school year. This year, I've whittled the chores down to the few priorities listed in item #3, and made it a point to do something every day with Little Boy. And I'm not talking about anything too complicated, sometimes just buying a pay-per-view and watching a movie together is fun! Now that I'm not thinking about how productive I could be, I'm actually having fun with my kid!

5. Let the kids stay up late! I've been letting Little Boy stay up till 11pm, and as a result, he sleeps till 9:30 or 10am. Since I get up early with hubby (he leaves for work at 6am), I stay up after hubby leaves and enjoy some quiet time watching morning news and sipping coffee. Which leads me to the next item...

6. Try to get most of my quick chores done for the day while Little Boy is still sleeping so I can be ready to hit the day when he's awake!

7. Create a special holiday! We do "Jamba Juice Mondays". We went to Jamba Juice on one Monday at the beginning of the summer, and Little Boy said, "We should do this every Monday!" So we have!

8. Refuse to use the oven during summer. The oven really heats up the house and with the cost of electricity, I don't want the AC to work too hard! I make a vow every Summer that I will not use the oven, and I don't! I've even converted some "oven recipes" to work on the skillet or toaster oven.

9. Here's something I just plain love about summer: Dragonflies! I love when they make their appearance! They are such beautiful little graceful creatures!

10. Well, I actually couldn't think of another thing, but I wanted to end on an even number! So let's just say that my Number TEN favorite thing about summer is blogging about my favorite summer things/tips!

Enjoy the rest of your vacation!!!

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